Wordpress Plugins

25 Best WordPress Captcha Plugins

Though WordPress comes with several built-in security features to protect your website from the powerful spammers and trolls. But strolls can easily bypass the security measure and enter your blog or website to scale down the user’s experience. So to ensure maximum security for their website, the site administrators need to install some Best WordPress Captcha Plugins that allow only humans to submit the comments or furnish their details and restricts the spam bots from entering into the website.

To keep your website free from spam and to add a high level of security, here are few best captcha plugins that work well with any WordPress website.

Really Simple CAPTCHA

Really Simple CAPTCHA does not work alone and is intended to work with other plugins. It is originally created for Contact Form 7; however, you can use it with your own plugin.Really Simple CAPTCHA does not use PHP “Sessions” for storing states, unlike many other PHP CAPTCHA solutions, but stores them as temporary files. This allows you to embed it into WordPress without worrying about conflicts.Really Simple CAPTCHA creates two files for it; one is an image file of CAPTCHA, and the other is a text file which stores the correct answer to the CAPTCHA.

Really Simple CAPTCHA

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Math Captcha

Math captcha is a 100% effective and easy to use CAPTCHA for WordPress that seamlessly integrates into login, registration, lost password, comments, bbPress and Contact Form 7.Visitors will have a great navigating experience as they can touch, swipe or tap on android, Blackberry, iOS and other smartphones.It is search engine optimized for improving the website ranking on Google, Bing and Yahoo. Math captchais fully localized for translating the content to multiple languages. This math captcha is compatible with most of the modern web browsers like Mozilla fire fox, internet explorer version 6 and 7, opera, and safari and latest version of WordPress.

Math Captcha

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No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA is a simple plugin by Google to WordPress login, registration and comment system as well as a BuddyPress registration form to protect against spam.No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHAprotectsWooCommerce login, registration and password reset form against spam using Google’s No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA.A shortcode based WordPress form builder that makes building custom login, registration and password reset forms stupidly simple.The best WordPress email optin forms, email automation and newsletters plugin in the market. It is fully localized for translating the content to multiple languages. This captcha is compatible with most of the modern web browsers like Mozilla fire fox, internet explorer version 6 and 7, opera, and safari and latest version of WordPress.


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Conditional CAPTCHA

Conditional CAPTCHA plugin will serve commenters that aren’t logged in and don’t have a previously approved comment. Repeat commenters will never see a CAPTCHA. This plugin will serve a CAPTCHA only if Akismet identifies a comment as spam (much less frequently than the basic mode). Just install an activate Akismet to enable this mode.This means that any false positives from Akismet will be easily identified without you having to trawl through all the spam comments manually.The default CAPTCHA is a simple text-based test. There is also the option to use reCAPTCHA if you want something more robust. You can also style the CAPTCHA page to fit with your own WordPress theme.

Conditional CAPTCHA

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Captcha Code

Captcha Code adds anti-spam methods to WordPress forms. Forms include comments form, registration form, lost password form and login form. In order to post comments or register, users will have to type in the code shown on the image. This prevents spam from automated bots and adds security. The administrator can specify where the captcha should be displayed i.e, comments, login, registration or lost password form.It is fully localized for translating the content into multiple languages. This captcha code is compatible with most of the modern web browsers like Mozilla firefox, internet explorer version 6 and 7, opera, and safari and the latest version of WordPress.

Captcha Code

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WordPress Captcha and Anti Spam Plugin by Captcha Bank

Captcha Bank is a powerful WordPress shield which allows you to protect your WordPress website from SPAM. Captcha Bank is a bulletproof captcha validator. It allows you to add an extra layer of security on top of you inbuilt protection. This will keep spammers and bots away from submission unnecessary data in your web forms. It is an advanced protection with the help of which you can increase the intensity of captcha logic’s. It will make it tricky for spam bots and automated software. Captcha Bank uses own Tech Banker API based on Maxmind Database to fetch location and other details based on IP Address for its feature Login Logs and Visitor Logs.

WordPress Captcha and Anti Spam Plugin by Captcha Bank

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Uber reCaptcha

UberreCaptcha is a very useful plugin for everyone using WordPress. It adds reCaptcha security to the WordPress login form, register form and comment form. This plugin could help your blog get rid of a lot of spam comments or brute-force attacks.It is fully localized for translating the content to multiple languages. This math captcha is compatible with most of the modern web browsers like Mozilla fire fox, internet explorer version 6 and 7, opera, and safari and latest version of WordPress. It supports audio or image captcha types. It generatesreCaptcha image / audio type in a number of predefined languages, and adds reCaptcha protection to the WordPress recover password form.

Uber reCaptcha

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Captcha -WordPress Captcha Plugin

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The Captcha plugin will let users enable a super security captcha into different types of forms that are available for a website like a login form, registration form and comments form. It protects your entire website from the spambots by means of a math logic which can be easily rendered by the human beings. In order to access the website, visitors need to make a simple mathematical calculation.


KeyCaptcha -WordPress Captcha Plugin

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This WordPress compatible key Captcha plugin will offer an effective anti-spam solution for the website of different niches. This plugin comes in 4 different variants and creates an interactive task for the visitors who plan to furnish details to the websites from registration form and comments form. In case, if the task is not executed perfectly, users are restricted from filling the form.

Easy Captcha

Easy Captcha -WordPress Captcha Plugin

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This Easy Captcha plugin supports three different types of captcha that include hidden captcha, simple image captcha, and Google reCaptcha. The administrator of a website can use anyone captcha to prevent or restrict the spambots from entering the website. Users are even provided with a special option to set different captcha for each web page.

AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter

AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter -WordPress Captcha Plugin

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Facing troubles from spammers for your website, then install this AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter plugin that restrict spambots from entering your website through any means. This plugin enables some visually appealing captchas to ensure that all your WordPress pages are secured. This plugin comes incorporated with several captcha types of which few include Captcha Classica, Captcha Artistica, Captcha Literacha and Captcha Musica.

SI Captcha Anti-Spam

SI Captcha Anti-Spam -WordPress Captcha Plugin

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This WordPress based SI Captcha Anti-Spam plugin will provide enough security for the website by restricting automated spambots from entering into the website. This plugin is compatible with several other plugins like WP, WPMU and BuddyPress. From the admin panel, users can configure the captcha style that gets displayed while furnishing data to any of the website forms.


FunCaptcha -WordPress Captcha Plugin

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To avoid spammers from abusing the website, install this FunCaptcha WordPress plugin. This plugin looks good on various mobile devices and personal computers. To access any kind of form that is available at different places on the website, users need to quickly finish a fast mini-game that gets displayed underneath the form that is meant for submitting the details to the website.

Blue Captcha

Blue Captcha -WordPress Captcha Plugin

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You can protect either your blog or website from the unauthorized persons by enabling this easy to configure and striking Blue Captcha plugin. It can be easily installed onto your website and it even allows the users to set a custom captcha level by making minor adjustments in the captcha settings. The maximum character length to be displayed on the captcha is set to 20 characters by the developer.

A Very Simple Captcha

A Very Simple Captcha WordPress Captcha Plugin

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The name itself depicts that the plugin can be installed onto the website in a simple way. With the plugin’s support to wide array of captcha models, site administrators can enable a perfect and powerful captcha for their blog that runs on WordPress CMS platform. To ensure high-level security, users are suggested to set logical captcha in a random manner.

Captcha Bank

Captcha Bank -WordPress Captcha Plugin

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This Captcha Bank plugin provides you an innovative and easy anti-spam solution to control the spam on your website. Users can adjust the height and width of captcha as well as set the numbers of characters to be displayed on the captcha. This plugin offers a powerful captcha WordPress comments protection for various types of forms available at different places on the website.

Gab Captcha 2

Gab Captcha 2 -WordPress Captcha Plugin

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To fight against the spam in your WordPress comments, here is a special plugin by the name Gab Captcha 2 that adds a Turing text underneath every comment form to ensure that only human beings are entering the comments not any automated spambots. From the plugin settings, the captcha can be configured with ease.

Ironclad Captcha

Ironclad Captcha -WordPress Captcha Plugin

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Once this plugin is installed on the website, it requests a user to count the number of objects that are displayed in a box, whereas spam bots can never count this jumping objects. So in a pretty simple way, the site owners can restrict the spammers from entering into the website. With its abnormal answer entering, this plugin will ensure 100% security for your website.

Math Captcha

Math Captcha -WordPress Captcha Plugin

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This easy to use Math Captcha plugin can be simply integrated to different varieties of wordpress forms like login form, registration form, comments form and Contact Form 7. Users can even set the captcha to either get displayed in the words or numbers. Users are even provided with options to set the captcha for field title or any input time.

Captcha Code Authentication

Captcha Code Authentication -WordPress Captcha Plugin

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To ensure maximum security for your WordPress website, this plugin adds a captcha code in to all varieties of forms that are available on the website. Any visitor in order to register with the website or to post comments must type the code or text displayed on the image. By enabling the translation option, the text relevant to plugin can be converted into various languages.

WP Conditional Captcha

WP Conditional Captcha -WordPress Captcha Plugin

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On enabling this plugin for your website, a request is sent to the customers to finish a simple captcha in order to post the comments. If the Akismet consider them as a spam, the comment posted is not accepted by the website. The plugin comes in two different modes that include basic mode and Akismet enhanced mode.

Pixcapthca for Gravity Forms

Pixcathca for Gravity Forms -WordPress Captcha Plugin

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To protect their website from the internet abuse, users can install this Picathca WordPress plugin. The text captcha for gravity forms is not that easy to identify, so this WordPress plugin replaces the traditional text with easy to recognize images. It’s clear that image recognition is easy for humans but not for automated spambots.


Solvemedia -WordPress Captcha Plugin

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Try to monetize your WordPress powered website with this SolveMedia plugin. This Captcha Widget will work better for comments form, registration form and any type of contact form. This plugin works well on all browsers and even runs fine on a wide variety of devices like iPhone, iPad and other mobile devices that come incorporated with Android and Windows 7 operating systems.

Captcha Control – Unique Form Security Captcha

Captcha Control - Unique Form Security Captcha -WordPress Captcha Plugin

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This Captcha Control WordPress plugin will provide users with more control on the captcha that is to be displayed below any kind of form. This plugin supports captcha in the form of text and images. With an easy shortcode, users can easily embed the plugin to the contact form. Even the names of your business products can be displayed as a captcha.

Flexible Captcha

Flexible Captcha -WordPress Captcha Plugin

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This plugin will allow the site owners to provide a new image captcha for all forms. It can be positioned at any place on the website through shortcode and on installing it, the captcha will automatically get activated for the comments form and registration form. Even the captcha can be assigned with case sensitivity or not. The font files can be uploaded to alter the fonts used for captcha images.

Anti Captcha

Anti Captcha -WordPress Captcha Plugin

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This Anti Captcha offers an effective anti-spam solution for the site owners to prevent their website from the spam attacks. This plugin can be inserted dynamically or it can be activated onto the website. This plugin is mainly developed to restrict automated spambots attacks while posting comments and registering.

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