
Which WordPress Files to Backup

‘Backup’ basically means having the data in your server stored elsewhere for easy and faster recovery in case of a crash or any such hazards. Such incidents or mishaps are not rare and therefore one should never take a risk with his/her valuable data.

It’s always better to have a copy stored, and since websites are dynamic, i.e. material is added, subtracted and modified continuously, it’s important to have a regular backup ritual.

There are two parts of the content that require backing up – one is files and the other is the raw database. One needs good security for both of them to maximize recovery in the worst-case scenario.

The WordPress site consists of WordPress Core Installation, Plugins, free and paid themes, media files, etc. All these along with other directories and subdirectories require backing up which can be done by using an ‘FTP program.’

Use this program to download a copy of the data to your computer from the host computer and keep it safe.

Also, the blog/website is powered by an SQL based database. The entire content matter of the web page is stored in this. Without this basic, huge raw collection of data, the blog or website shall cease to exist.

Thus, backing up the database is of crucial importance. However, these files are in a separate location in a host server and need to be backed up separately from the regular Word Press files.

This can be done easily by downloading the ‘WordPress database backup’ plug-in and installing it in your page. Customize the settings to the desired specifications and requirement.

And you are done! It’s much better to take the pains to save important data and information on a regular basis rather than leaving opportunity for a rude shock when your server decides to harass you.

WordPress Files to Backup

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