
Safety and Security of WordPress Blog (Infographic)

WordPress is one of the most popular content management system (CMS) in use and around 17% of the websites that are present on the internet these days are powered by this CMS. With the growing use of Safety and Security of WordPress Blog have also become one of the major issues to deal with. In the year 2011 more than 144,000 WordPress sites were hacked and this number reached to 170,000 in the year 2012.

The website owners and the core developers of WordPress are responsible for the security of the system. In order to keep their security tight, the WordPress site owners should keep various points into consideration like updating the WordPress to the latest version that is released, keeping back of data, do not display the version of WordPress on blog, reporting bugs to WordPress security, not installing the free themes, using strong passwords for all the entry points, using only trusted plug-in and others.

Some of the most common ways that result in the site being hacked are having a virus on the computer, keeping easy to crack the password, approving comments that are non-relevant, Contact US form going to the script in the site for processing and website displaying only the plain HTML+ JavaScript pages. Thus one should take care of these points to avoid getting their site hacked.

 Infographic on WordPress Site Safe and Secure

Best way to harden your WordPress Blog Security

Safety and Security of WordPress Blog (Infographic)

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