Building a website for business, portfolio and blogging is all fine but how do you secure your data? There may come some incidents that may cause you to lose your data, say a server crash. And it’s not that internet is the safest place; there is always the imminent threat of data theft and virus or hacker attacks.
It is always a safe option to back up your WordPress database beforehand. So if anything happens to your website you just need to get hold of the backup data and you will have your website up and running again in no time. Here are few plugins that will help you in backing up your WordPress database.
VaultPress is the best option for backing up your WordPress database if you are willing to dish out a little bit of cash. It comes with a simple and user friendly interface. It has features such as scheduled backups, one click restore and some special services that work to keep your website safe and secure.
You can find this plugin at
This is a free WordPress plugin that will allow you to take a backup of your WordPress database. It is easy to use, you can schedule multiple backups and choose from several options like folder, FTP, Amazon S3, Google Drive, DropBox and the likes, where you want to store the backed up data.
This plugin can be found at
This is another free but very good option if you are looking to back up your WordPress database. This user friendly plugin lets you schedule your backups and allows you to choose what you want to backup instead of backing up the whole website every time. You can either store the backups in a folder of your choice or you can go for Google Drive. You will be notified in your email if any error occurs.