
How to Add Star Rating to WordPress Website

You should always be on the lookout for plugins that help you to make your WordPress website more and more innovative with each passing day. This will not only simplify your own work but also give your website a different look altogether as compared to other websites.

One such innovation is the addition of star rating into your WordPress website. There are very few websites across the globe which can boast of having this innovative feature because there aren’t many plugins with which will help you to do that.

However, there is some good news for you. Packed with all the essential features, Universal Star Rating is the new-generation plugin which will empower your WordPress website with the feature of adding star ratings. The best part is that this plugin is not just restricted to ratings but you can also add reviews to the corresponding data. There are a lot of short codes which you can edit very easily to make it more user-friendly as per your own requirements.

There is also a unique provision of merging two short codes to a single inline star rating. There is a wide array of supporting languages associated with this plugin: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

Below are the easy steps on how to install this plugin into your WordPress Website:

  • Firstly, you would need to upload the content of the zip file universal-star-rating.zip to this path /wp-content/plugins/universal-star-rating/directory.
  • Secondly, simply activate the plugin with the help of Menu WordPress Plugins.

There is also an alternate way of installing the plugin. Please go through the steps mentioned below:

  • Go to your WordPress Admin Panel and upload the zip file under Plugins->Install->Upload.
  • Then, simply activate the plugin through “Plugins” menu in WordPress.

Some of the screenshots have been put together just to give you a glimpse of this amazing piece of application.

Rating to WordPress

Rating to WordPress

Rating to WordPress

The users are extremely satisfied so far by using this plugin and the reviews have been great so far. Please go through the FAQs which are available on the web and you will get the answers to all your questions.

Moreover, you will also get a thorough understanding on technicalities of this plugin which will eventually help you to customize it as per your own requirements. The installation procedure is simple enough so you don’t need to be a techie to perform the procedure explained above.

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