Wordpress Plugins

Top WordPress Security Plugins

Securing your website from being hacked and tampered with is top on every bloggers priority list. Imagine waking up one day and realizing that all your work is down a black hole! Making the choice for the most suitable plug-in for your security needs and also within your price requirements is indeed a cumbersome process, check out Top WordPress Security Plugins.

The options available are countless and trying to decide on the best option requires skill. Here is a list of security plugins that are worth checking out:

Ultimate Security Checker:

Ultimate Security Checker

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This is a great plugin for novices as it takes you through every step of fixing any security glitches. When a breach props up it lists the security issues and opens up a new tab with a step-by-step process on how to fix your problem.

Secure WordPress:

Secure WordPress

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It is the best free plugin that every website must have. It discards any erroneous information from your login page. Its most important function is removing update details for non-administrators. It also ensures that nobody but the administrator can change the content on the website.

WordPress Firewall 2:

WordPress Firewall 2

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This plugin is a self-functioning widget and doesn’t require any configuration from you. It is powerful in blocking any low profile hacking attempt but not suggested for websites that have very sensitive content. The benefit of this plugin is that it works for bloggers who are not well-versed with the technicalities of plugins but want something reliable that will function on its own.

Ask Apache Password Protect:

AskApache Password Protect

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The first step in any hacking attempt is to get past your password. This plugin fixes the problem in the bud. It creates a double layer to protect your password to ensure that your website is protected. The plugin not only protects your admin page but also your database folders.

Limit Login Attempt:

Limit Login Attempt

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The name is self-explanatory – it blocks any login attempt by a hacker into your admin page. It essentially permits only a limited number of attempts for the password to be entered in, following which the website it locked. A hacker entering multiple combinations of a password will be stopped from entering the website.

Back WP UP:

Back WP UPView Plugin

Protecting your website from any security breach is most definitely important but what is as important is backing up your files so that you can get back on your feet as soon as possible if the unexpected happens. This plugin sends your databases to multiple locations. It gives you the option of choosing the folders that you want to backup to ensure easy restoration.

Sucuri Site Check:

Sucuri Site CheckView Plugin

This plugin is made to scan your website for any malware that might already have bugs in them. Using this tool is very easy – all you need to do is enter the URL of your website and Sucuri determines whether or not you have any red flags. If you are absolutely lost with the technicalities of dealing with a hacking, then this is your best option as the plugin takes the onus of cleaning up any hacking attempt.

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