Wordpress Plugins

WordPress Banner Ad Plugins


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The multiple features available, easy installation procedure, and ease of operation make WordPress a much sought after platform by most online businesses and individual bloggers. At last count, there were approximately 20,000 plug-ins available for the WordPress platform.

Banner advertisement plug-in is one of the very useful and important tools that allow a banner from a single affiliate program or multiple affiliate programs to be displayed on a website or blog. AdRotate is one such banner ad plug-in that helps in the installation and display of banners. AdRotate provides a very simple interface by which advanced banners can be added to your website or blog at just the click of a button.

Upload the banner ad plug-in to the WP content or plug-in folder. Use a browser to log in to the WordPress site. There is a main menu at the top. Click on the plug-ins link, find the one that you had just uploaded and click on “activate”. Ad management is very easy as it can be done from the WP dashboard itself. You can add, remove, edit, or renew the ads.

AdRotate also sends you email notifications when the ad is about to expire. Banners can be previewed on editing using this plug-in. Advertisers can contact you from their dashboard and this plug-in also provides statistics on the banner performance based on the number of visitors and click-through ratios.

The internet has millions of websites vying for attention. It is only those sites or blogs that attract traffic that can sustain in the long term. Banners contain a combination of text and images that will make it easy for browsers to take notice of your site or blog. They convey the message concisely and clearly. It is somewhat similar to the banners and billboards used by shops and other business establishments to attract customers.

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