Wordpress Plugins

TDO Mini Forms Plugin WordPress


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TDO Mini Forms Plugin WordPress enables creation of forms that can be very easily customized. These plugins are a boon for the users who have not registered with the websites as it enables them to write or feature their posts and pages. Ultimately these plugins enhance the performance of WordPress.

These plugins allow custom features and functions and thus make the websites tailor-made for the individual user. The latest versions of WordPress such as WordPress 2.2 do not require installation of widgets. The user can directly access the widgets section of the plugin directory and get the widgets that he requires.

The much innovative widget of TDO Mini Forms Plugin WordPress is capable of integration with the Geo Mashup Plugin thereby enabling the users to establish permalinks separately for their posts. The latest version of TDO Mini Form is specially developed for WordPress 2.7 and this new version enables the administrator to monitor and control all types of users.

Besides creation of innumerable number of forms, each form can be provided with Custom Fields. Widgets are used for proper positioning of the forms either in a page or in a post or in the side bar. The specific users are allowed or disallowed to make use of the forms as decided by the administrator.

Those who are allowed to use the forms however cannot use the WordPress software. They can view their published posts and those who are able to get a few posts published become trusted users. The user creates widgets of his favorite theme. The registered users are entitled to access their latest posts, the previous posts that are to be approved and links to the posts that are approved.

WordPress gets the status of a Forum thanks to TDO Mini Forms Plugin WordPress. Editors enjoy the liberty to either publish the posts or reject. The Plugins enable them to view the posts and spam is avoided as a result of integration of the plugins with reCaptcha and Akismet.

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