As a website owner, the major question in front of you is how to drive visitors to your WordPress blog. Although it purely depends on the content that you place on the website to make users stay in your website.
With users leaving the website in just 1 or 2 seconds, it may increase the bounce rate which in turn diminishes the pageviews for every page visit. This will have a great affect on your overall ad revenue.
This tutorial will shell out some valuable information and tips to assist you in enhancing the pageviews by decreasing the bounce rate relevant to your website. Before getting into details, you must have clear idea about the terms bounce rate and pageviews.
Bounce rate: It presents the total percentage of users who have accessed your website and bounced back without staying on the website to access additional information.
Pageview: It is a request sent by the user to load a page on your website and the site owners like you very often utilize the Google Analytics to keep track of the data.
Interlink all your WordPress Posts:
To have a steady increase in your pageview, you must always interlink the post with other posts that are already uploaded to your website. You can implement it manually or you can utilize the plugins that will make your tasks bit simpler. It works well for SEO and even reduces the overall bounce rate of your website.
Display related posts after each post:
The major reason behind visitors leaving your WordPress blog is not showing up other relevant posts that user likes to read. By displaying either the related posts or popular posts you can make the reader or user stay on your website for long-time. You can depict the related posts by installing a simple WordPress plugin named YARPP.
Display Excerpts on Archive Page or the Front Page:
Showing up the excerpts will let you avail two good benefits. The major benefit that you can achieve is decrease in the page loading time and increase in the pageviews. To lure your visitors, you should never show up the complete post, instead you can place the post excerpts and let the user click on Read More option to read the full article. This will definitely improve the amount of time for which visitors stay on your website.
Interactive Sidebar:
Apart from all the above said techniques, the interactive sidebar is another good option that increases the page view and decreases the bounce rate. You are provided with an option to integrate all the sections on to your sidebar to let users read more number of posts on your site.