
Is it Possible to Downgrade WordPress Version

Sometimes it becomes necessary to downgrade the current version of your WordPress site, since; though latest upgraded versions may be cool they might not allow your previous installed plugins to work. And in some cases it might be hard to find plugins at all for your version. But don’t worry, you can always downgrade them whenever you need it: here is how to downgrade your WordPress version.

First thing you need to do before the process is to back up all the WordPress files and database including the WordPress platform files and root folder. You need to have access to your site’s admin panel using a FTP program to copy the database files. Now, once that is done, go to your default directory and find the wp-includes and wp-admin file and delete them completely. This process is to eliminate any future clashes with the two available versions.

Wordpress Version

Now, if you have the version you want the site to be downgraded to available, proceed ahead, else go to WordPress.org release archive and download the required version to your computer. Now unzip all the files of the downgrade version and extract all the files to your site using the FTP program. But make sure you overwrite all files except the WP-content folder.

That’s the last step of the progress, now all you need to do is update your WordPress site. To do that, go to your WordPress site’s login page; there you won’t find the usual username, password tabs, but a message informing that the WordPress database needs to be updated. Confirm the update and wait for the magic to happen. Once the update is over, login to the dashboard, you will find everything the way you left it, except for the version of the site.

Wordpress update

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