
How to Use Facebook Comments with WordPress

How would you like to be able to directly integrate Facebook comments into your blog? Clients can directly comments below any content or post in your site. For this purpose, Facebook Comments is a great plugin. It simplifies the entire process of setting up and customizing Facebook comments from your blog or website. This extremely useful plugin is completely free for downloading.

The best part about the plugin is it uses very little code for insertion of Facebook Comments.

Facebook comments

Installation of Facebook Comments is fairly easy.

The steps that you need to follow include:

  1. Go to the plugin page at WordPress and download the plugin.
  2. Upload the plugin folder Facebook-comments-plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  3. Go to the plugins page and click on the plugins menu. From there activate the plugin.
  4. Go to the Facebook Comments Settings area to check all the settings.
  5. Finally click on update and you are done!

After the successful installation of this plugin you will need to set it up as well. For this you will have to work with Facebook, and for that you will need to

Create a New App:

  1. View on the top right side of the web-page where you must click on the + Create New App button. This will create the new app.
  2. Now name the application with something appropriate that you desire. Then you need to provide an app namespace.
  3. Click on the Edit Settings button after clicking on your app.
  4. Enter your domain name in “App Domains” and as “Website with Facebook Login” URL.
  5. Finally click on Save Changes.

Change your YOUR_APP_ID to your App ID:

You will need to insert the <meta property=”fb:app_id” content=”YOUR_APP_ ID”/> into the <head> tag.

Facebook comments

All the admins to the App ID can moderate the comments. You can enter each Facebook Profile ID by a comma without spaces to add moderators. The plugin allows you to insert the comment box into any post or page as a shortcode. You are allowed the facility to use your own settings for the same using shortcodes. You can do it either manually or automatically:

  • [fbcomments]- allows you to add the comments box manually.
  • echo do_shortcode(‘[fbcomments]’)- allows you enter the shortcode into the templates directly.

Facebook comments

For the purpose of overriding the above settings, you can use the following settings:

  • url – leave the current URL blank
  • width – the minimum should be 350
  • num – either on or off
  • count – either on or off
  • title
  • countmsg-the message to display.

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