
How to Migrate WordPress Site to a New Host

Moving your WordPress blog from one host to another can be quite a daunting task for someone not very well versed with the technicalities of WordPress. Here is an easy step-by-step guide to make the change with the minimum amount of time and effort spent.

More than anything, this guide will hopefully give you the least amount of panic attacks wondering whether you got rid of any important files. A disclaimer must be added before you proceed to start this process, read and understand the guide before you make the changes. An error while doing this process can be an expensive affair!

The first step would be to get all the relevant database, plugins and themes from your admin panel. Move all your files and databases by using the export option and then make a backup of all the files on your drive. Then, ensure that the new host is ready by creating a directory. A suggestion would be to try and use the same directory name if the host permits it. Make sure you create a password in your new database that is preferably different from your old one, just as a precaution.

Migrate WordPress Site to a New Host

Now you will need to work on your new host. First install WordPress on the new host. The import/export option has made the process of migrating much simpler. Now since you’ve exported your files, importing them shouldn’t be very much different. Just go to Tools and click on Import and watch your new website get a step closer to being done!

Migrate WordPress to New Host

The last step is to check whether your website is running properly. If all is well, then delete the files from your old database so that you don’t get directed to your old server in the future.

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