
How to Craft Dropdown Menus on WordPress Pages

It doesn’t matter which type of CMS you use, there’s always a debate that comes up quickly after raising the question ‘How to create drop down menus’. At times, you even feel to display posts links in the dropdown navigation bar. Though there are several WordPress plugins that can do the job for you without editing any coding part.

On installing the WordPress, a sample page gets created and when you view the pages on website you will find one or two menu links that redirect you to the sample page and the home page.

In order to insert a third menu item onto the website, you need to reach the admin dashboard and then tap on the Page and then you need to click on the Add New option. On reaching the Add New option, you must give a title and place some content to the page.

Craft Dropdown Menus on WordPress Pages

After adding the content and images, you can have a view at the Pages Attribute Section wherein you can find the newly created page as a menu item.

Craft Dropdown Menus on WordPress Pages

All the pages that you create further will be considered as menu items and they are organized in an alphabetical order. You can access the Page Attributes feature to alter the order of menu items appearance.

Creating Dropdown Menu with FlexNav:

FlexNav will quickly add a multi-level responsive menu with the help of media queries and JavaScript. It offers excellent support to the Nested sub menu and it works fine with devices of all screen sizes. You can get this plugin from the github.

Initially you must download the FlexNav and extract all the files present in the folder. From all the files that got extracted, you must select the js and CSS directories and paste them into your WordPress folder.

You must add the CSS and JS file at the header section of the header.php file present in your WordPress template coding. You need to just add the below given code and close the opened head tag.

Craft Dropdown Menus on WordPress Pages

After adding the coding part, you must reach the Appearance option and then hit the tab ‘Menus’ and continue further to add the items in various levels and sub levels.

Once done with adding the items, you must even change the place of menu to a primary location. If your WordPress dropdown menu doesn’t work even after implementing all the above said steps, then you can seek the help of any PHP developer and inspect the code thoroughly to find any flaws in it.

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