
How to Add Embeddable Plugin for WordPress

Innovation is ruling the roost these days. The more an application can be innovative, the more will be its chances to generate revenues for its clients. Have you ever heard of a plugin inside another plugin? Sounds weird isn’t it? Not really. It might sound weird but it has become a reality these days with the help of a plugin named Mixcloud Embed.  You can easily nest one plugin inside another. This plugin has a large number of short codes and you can easily edit them as the way you want to.

Apparently, this plugin allows you to add the Mix cloud player into your WordPress website using the short codes. The short codes are also known as Mixcloud short codes. You can copy the URL of any song you wish to listen and add it to your WordPress website with the help of this plugin.

Since this a very useful piece of application, we will walk you through the entire installation process so that you don’t face any difficulty in installing it at your workstation. We have jotted down some of the easy steps of installing this plugin.

  • Download the zip file from the web and unzip it.
  • You would then need to upload the folder ‘mixcloud-shortcode’ to the location /wp-content/plugins/directory.
  • Go to the Plugins menu in WordPress and activate the plugin
  • Set both the links named (mixcloud) and (/mixcloud) in your webpage.

Below is the screenshot on how this will eventually look like once you install it in your workstation.

Embeddable plugin

The reviews for this plugin have been amazing till date and the ratings are also very impressive. Since this is one of the most popular plugins available, you can get a lot of user updates and feedbacks on the web. You can also go through all the technical specifications if you are interested to know about this plugin inside out.

There is also a provision to recode the coding of this and pass various parameters. Height, width, playlist, profile and iframe are the parameters which this plugin accepts.

The embedding feature truly makes it a class apart and you can create a playlist of your choice. The number of items which you can add to this playlist is unlimited and there are multiple options to view them. Therefore, this one certainly qualifies as a must have plugin in your WordPress website without which your website will remain incomplete.

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