
How to add Buttons to WordPress

Buttons can be quite catchy and can easily lure the visitors into pressing them; after all who wouldn’t like to click on a shiny glowing button. Buttons can be added to the wordpress site in a number of different ways, such as adding specific shortcodes, by creating text widgets or just simply using a plugin to create them. Since most of us are not exactly experts in coding, it’s a better option to use plugins to create and add buttons.

It’s extremely easy and provides you plenty of options to customize as well. Here we have explained the creation of buttons using the MaxButtons plugin that is available on the plugins directory for free. First download and install the plugin from the directory, so that it becomes available on your admin page. Find the ‘add new’ button on the plugin page and an input screen as shown below should appear on the screen.

add Buttons to WordPress

The creation of button is just as simple as creating a link, just enter the name that has to appear on the button, provide a description for it and enter the URL to which it should direct and you will have button created instantly for you. Check the ‘Open in New Window’ check box if you wish your link to open in a new page. Once the options are filled out, click the save button, and the shortcode will be automatically generated for you.

Now copy the shortcode and paste it wherever you like in the content of your wordpress site. And that’s all there is to it. The plugin also provides lots of customization options in the creation of button, like options to change the size of the text, the color background on the button, the alignment and the container options in the edit panel of the plugin.

add Buttons

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