
Adding a Rating System to WordPress

When you want to add a rating system to your blog in WordPress, you can do so by following some simple easy to do instructions. You can use this system for rating articles, any type of content or posts. This involves using some custom codes. Some knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, PHP and WordPress is useful.

Start by making two stars, a dull star for the state unselected and another brightly colored one for the selected. Download Inkscape’s star tool from Google which is free. Have a background that is transparent instead of a colored one. The Inkscape tools with a clear background can be saved by exporting the drawings as a bitmap.

 Rating System to WordPress

Add the “ratings” table to the database of your installed WordPress. This will leave the table for default post uncluttered and gives you the facility to clean up the ratings table without disturbing any other default WordPress actions. Next, two fields can be added to the table which is empty. Your WordPress blog can now trace whether your posts have received any ratings – by identifying the two as rating and posted. Use an FTP program of your choice in your personal site to navigate through your WordPress’ main blog folder. You can upload your special stars in this folder now.

The next step is to use codes to the loop in your present theme to enable the star ratings. This loop is available in index.php file. For example, when you use any theme, you will find the loop in the file called post-actions.php in the …..(theme name)/core/actions directory. Two scripts have to be built to create an inline frame. The first uses the form that consists of the stars that viewers will click on. The second will enable the data submission to update the rating information on your post.

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