Wordpress Plugins

The Best Ad Plugin for WordPress

The best way to earn from your blog is by choosing a plug-in that helps you optimize on your posts. There is a lot of space on your page that can be utilized for advertising much more efficiently and effectively. Having a premium theme really helps in adding adverts to your webpage, however if you don’t wish to subscribe to premiums there are many other options which will help you render an exquisite milieu of advertisements capable of attracting readers and also help you earn some extra bucks. The key behind getting enough ad clicks is to make the page look good and showcase products which can appeal to the visitor’s interest.

A regular user must not find the same ads in the same place with the same pictures and captions each time he opens your blog. Make your site look dynamic and incorporate the latest ad plug-ins flooding the markets to whet the interest of your readers. Choosing a plug-in that optimizes your income can be a tough job. With so many plug-ins with similar capabilities doing the rounds it becomes difficult to identify a single best one. In this article we offer you a collection of really good plug-ins along with a description of their key features. At the end of this discourse you will also find our suggestion. We will be revealing the best plug-in which has the highest capability of optimizing on your literary product.

If you want to evade paying ad network providers a part of your income, manual management of adverts is not the only way. WP125 is capable of managing your ads and doing much more for free. With W125 plugged in you won’t have to worry about finding sponsors and editing your template. W125 will occupy a small space on the admin panel and from there on the drop down lists will guide you through a smooth and organized ad management system. Using W125 you can alter your template to satisfy the requirements of your present ad scheme quite easily. The ad manager can keep multiple ads in circulation and is capable of removing ads once their date expires, automatically. Removed ads are then transferred to the archive folder from where you can easy reactivate them again. You can also keep track of the number of clicks each ad has gathered. Once your ad expires if you wish, you can get an email notification that alerts you of the expiry. If your ad spaces are temporarily vacant you can also design and use your own place holder ads for the interim period.


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Advertwhirl is one plug-in that gives blog developers and managers the capacity to reach out to viewers and readers on smartphones and other websites. The plug-in has the capacity to implement complex ad rotation designs allowing unparalleled freedom when it comes to managing sponsors and implementing varied ad routines. Being an advanced version of Adsense it can detect and import Adsense ads and reports automatically on up-gradation to this plug-in. Additionally it will also allow you to connect with ad networks like Groupon and Adsense and help you reach out to users on external websites as well.

The plug-in generates customized Groupon ads that are appropriate and most suited to your location criteria and size requirements and like W125 it also offers an opportunity to make place holder ads for guest bloggers and advertisers. The plug-in supports reasonable page space utilization. Without any manual template customization you can easily arrange your ad on the header or footer of a page or place the ad in the middle of the text through text warping. You can also place the ad before or after your web page. A widget on the side panel makes for easy access and management of your ads. One drawback however is that this plug-in does not work on WordPress versions older than 3.0. Also there is still no incorporation of Google Analytic Statistics.


ISIS Ads Management is a drop and drag widget that can be used by any new user in the blogging circuits. It is very easy to use and can perform all the basic functions of ad management and rotation required by preliminary users and neophytes. Just like W125 it is typically meant to handle 125×125 ad formats; the commonest size prevailing presently. This plug-in enables you to display an unlimited number of ads in your side bar in a very simple and straight forward manner. One of the best features of this plug-in is the visual drag and drop facility which allows you to reorganize ads on the side bar.


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Ad-minister is very similar to WP125 in its key features. Both provide ad scheduling and ad-rotation, however Ad-minster can perform the above operations for multiple periods and for ads with varied percentages of page view. Ad-minster also helps you to track ad clicks and impressions for each and every advertisement and all this information is used to generate statistical information for the advertiser, this type of feature is not incorporated in WP125. The easy setup process will guide you through the installation procedure and since it can be used as a widget the theme handling is easy. This plug-in however has not been updated for the past two years and is bound to get obsolete with time. So it would not really be a good option if you want to make long term use.


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WP-Insert by far seems to have the most impressive features. It offers to manage not only ads but also Google analytics, feeds and theme editing through a fairly simple and friendly interface. It supports multiple advertisement network affiliation and diversified ad placement options. So the arrangement privileges are quite similar to those of Advertwhirl, with the added benefit of overall blog management. WP insert give you the capacity to control each advert individually, which creates added control. With the help of widgets you can place ads almost anywhere on you blog and display them categorically, under the heads of posts or tags.

If you are a regular blogger you would have already registered for Adsense, something that a majority of bloggers sign up for. Although Google’s Adsense is a great ad network, other networks may have the capacity to work better for your blog genre. For instance the BuySellAds ad manager is best for programming and development languages. Among premium ad mangers OIO Publishers, UAD Publishers and WordPress 3D Banner Rotators are the ones that make a mark.

The disadvantage with most of the free plug-ins is that they confine themselves to the management of 125×125 ads. W125 does not allow you to give titles to the ads which prevent you, as the host, from telling the user what the ad is about, if at all the need arises. One huge disadvantage of ISIS is that ads need to be removed manually, which consumes a lot of time. Moreover since it is used as a widget and not all themes support, it you might not be able to use it at all. Advertwhirl is the commonest plug-in. It can do simple calculation to tell you the best advertisement options.

So for regular blogger looking for a simple and robust ad manager Advertwhirl seems to be the bet. It is continuously updated, it is free and it is diversified. User preferences are highly subjective so should find out your own best plug-in, something that suits your need best.

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