
How to Integrate WordPress into Magento

In recent times, Magento and WordPress have gained huge popularity, especially for websites managing eCommerce. These two applications can be integrated in various ways. That is, for example integrating (i) Magento with WordPress; also (ii) WordPress with Magento. In doing this, the amazing CMS capabilities can be leveraged for WordPress as well as the strength of Magento in eCommerce can be highlighted.

(i) Magento with WordPress

A simple way of integrating Magento with WordPress is to apply Mage Enabler ( a plugin designed by Richard Feraro) in order to use Magento content on WordPress’s post. An experienced web developer can set it up. All you have to do is choose the local path for Mage.php file from the settings, Mage Enabler. Next copy as given below: ‘/magento/app/code/core/Mage/Core/functions.php’ to the ‘/magento/app/code/local/Mage/Core/functions.php’ then adjust the function – translator – that both these applications, Magento as well as WordPress, share. Use the page for Plugin to get more information.

How to integrate WordPress into Magento

 The best part about the plugin is that you can easily bring it to your WordPress; install any cookies, variables or sessions that were not previously inclusive to Magento. In this way, the shipping cart can be pulled to carry the items in the WordPress cart’s pages. A wonderful feature indeed!

(i)                 WordPress with Magento

Another way to bring the two applications together to produce awesome results for ecommerce in particular is to reverse, in a sense, the above process – that is to use WordPress variables and content with Magento pages. Let us take a look at one of the simplest, quickest and least complicated ways of integrating the two – WordPress with Magento.

Choose the Mage Enabler. Go to the ‘index.php’ file in the Magento installation. Two lines are to be added to the code. Follow the example below:

Integrate WordPress into Magento

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