A post with just numbers and letters tends to look drab. Considering that adding a featured image on WordPress is easy, why not add color to that post! This tutorial shall guide you through adding a feature image on the default theme on WordPress. Once you follow these simple steps, you will have a website that will appeal more to the visitors with some nice featured images.
The first step is to go to your administration dashboard and select the post which you would like to glam up. Click on edit post and scroll down until you reach the Set featured image option. A media upload box opens up. In the event that your theme does not have the feature image menu then add add_theme_support( ‘post-thumbnails’ ); to your function.php.
Once the media box opens, upload the file from your computer. Once the file has been uploaded, click on the Set as featured image button and ensure that you save changes before you close the dialog box.
Next comes the technical bit, go to Appearance>editor>loop.php and find this particular code: <?php the_content( _( ‘Continue reading <span>→</span>’,’twentyten’ ) ); ?>. Before the above code paste <?php the_post_thumbnail();?>.
Once you’ve entered that in, make sure you click update file. The last step is to add .attachment-post-thumbnail {width: ; padding: ; float: ;} with the relevant details to the bottom of style.css.
With this your image should feature in the post. This tutorial is based on the default theme. There should not be too many variations of the process with different themes. You should begin with the same steps even if you happen to have a different theme, making appropriate selections.