
How to Secure WordPress Blog from Hackers

WordPress blog hacks can be very annoying and are very real as well. Over 90,000 botnet hack attacks are recorded every week on average, so if you ever thought that no one would bother hacking into your site, you might want to think again. The problem with the hacked wordpress sites is that they rapidly spread the botnets to other related sites as well.

So the only way to curb them is to secure your blog from such attacks. One of the most obvious things that you should do is to maintain a highly distinctive username and password. Most users are pretty lazy and leave pretty common usernames to their admin panel such as ‘Admin’ ‘manager’ and so on. These can be easily tracked down by the bots and hacked. Also it is recommended that you change the password and ID frequently.

Though these may delay hack attacks, they will not completely prevent them. One best way to do that is to use security plugins such as Better WP security. Here the steps to install and secure your site using this plugin are explained. First download the plugin and install into to the admin panel using the – add new – plugin option. Once the plugin is installed, activate it and you will be led to an options panel as shown below.

Secure WordPress Blog

Though all the options are already set for you, it’s worth taking a look. Ensure that the Hide Backend tick box is checked. This feature alternates the backend wordpress URL and thus obscures your site from hackers. The plugin works in a number of ways to secure your website from hacker threats, but on the whole it scans the website for vulnerabilities and obscures them from potential hacker threats. The plugin also manages to effectively hide weak passwords and obsolete software from hackers.

Secure WordPress Blog from Hackers

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