
How to Protect Your WordPress Website Using SSL

The major concern for any WordPress blog owner is security. With hackers lurking on the internet all the time, there are high chances of compromising your WordPress blog, in case if you don’t maintain proper security levels.  In WordPress, the two major things that must be kept confidential are your Admin username and password.

In case, if the hackers hack your login credentials, then they can manage to access your entire WordPress dashboard and create the possible damage to you.

Hence acquiring a SSL certificate can ensure that your WordPress website is secure. This tutorial presents a step by step process of getting a SSL certificate to protect your website from the hacking attacks.

The very first thing that you must do is to get and install the SSL certificate on your website. Before generating it, you can request your web hosting provider to provide you a SSL certificate as most of the hosting providers give you SSL certificate by default.

To set up the SSL certificate on your server, you must just provide the complete credentials to your web hosting company. Once the certificate is added to your hosting server, you must add it on to your WordPress website.

The simple possible way to add SSL to your WordPress is to set up and active the HTTPS plugin. Upon activating it, you must point to the Settings and then access the WordPress HTTPS menu. After reaching the menu, you must furnish your SSL host name that must be your domain.

On submitting the domain name, you must check the box named ‘Force SSL Exclusively’. By clicking on this option, only few web pages of your site will be shown as HTTPS and the remaining pages will be directed to normal HTTP.

Protect Your WordPress Website Using SSL

The next step in the process involves you to reach the Pages tab of your WordPress Admin Panel. On accessing the page, you must choose the pages for which you want to enable the SSL certificate.

Then click the edit button to make changes to that page and in the publish section, you can check the option that reads Force SSL.

Protect Your WordPress Website Using SSL

 If you see a green sign just beside your domain or URL, then you have successfully added the SSL certificate.

Protect Your WordPress Website Using SSL

There are quite few benefits of utilizing the SSL certificate for your website and the above said process will ensure protect your WordPress website.

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