
How to Boost the Maximum Upload File Limit in WordPress

Have you ever encountered an error that shows “The uploaded file exceeds the maximum file size” while attaching any image or video to the post that is ready to publish onto the website. Before getting to details, you must know the maximum upload file size of the website and it can be easily identified by reaching the WordPress admin area.

How to Increase the Maximum File Upload Size in WordPress

To Identify Maximum File Size:

  • You need to login to the WordPress dashboard.
  • After logging in successfully, you must point to media, then access the ‘Add New’ option and there you can view the “Maximum upload file size: XX MB’. The number present in place of XX is the maximum upload file size permitted by the WordPress.

Based on the web hosting company and package that you select will let you know the upload limit of WordPress. For most of the websites, the maximum upload size supported is 2MB which can include images but it’s not sure when it comes to uploading video content.

If you personally think 2 MB is a great option, then you need not afford to navigate through the post, but in case if you wish to enhance the upload limit on the website, then you must definitely follow the tutorial.

The maximum file upload size can be increased in three unique ways.

.Htaccess File Method:

The .htaccess method can be useful in increasing the upload size, and the only thing that you must do is to modify the root directory. You can create a new file or open any existing .htaccess file present in the root folder and add the below mentioned code. It’s quite easy to execute and you must possess some prior knowledge on FTP to do it.

Htaccess File Method

Functions.Php File Method:

It’s quite similar to the above said method and to execute this method, you need to identify the functions.php file present in the root directory of website files.

To find the functions.php file, you need to access the WP-content, then reach the theme’s page and select the theme option.

Functions.Php File Method

The memory limit can be adjusted in this method and you must have a backup of the content before exceeding the upload size by pasting the code given below.

Php.INI File Method:

In several cases, if the hosting service that you have chosen is shared hosting, you find it hard to view the php.ini file in your directory. In case, if you don’t see the file, you need to craft one and place it in the root folder. Add the underneath code to that file.

Php.INI File Method:

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