
Insert Tumblr Share Button in Your WordPress Website

For any blogger like you, it’s quite important to place good content on their website to drive more visitors. In last few years, a huge amount of growth has been recorded by Tumblr when it comes to blogging. The Tumblr button either placed separately or within the social share bar adds good value to your website and the share button permits you to reblog the content from different websites. Tumblr had created a huge buzz in the world of social media with its reblog feature. Though blogs provide reblogging option, but a special Tumblr share button will let you to shell out the content in an easy way.

To add this Tumblr share button to the WordPress websites, you must follow the below mentioned steps.

Add the Tumblr Share Button in WordPress

  • Initially you need to access the footer.php file and paste the below given code just above the body tag in .php file.

Add the Tumblr Share Button in WordPress

  • In case, if you are using a framework, then you need not access the footer.php file. The above code can be directly added to the functions.php file

Add the Tumblr Share Button in WordPress

  • Once done with above two steps, you have to add the code inside WordPress posts and it can be done in two different ways that includes basic version and advanced customization.

Basic Version:

A snippet of code that includes basic version of script can be added at any place within the loop and the code can be either placed in single.php, index.php or page.php etc. By reaching the official Tumblr button page, you can choose different versions of images. You can even customize the share button by placing own image.

Basic Version

Advanced Customization:

The basic version of the Tumblr share button will directly grab the content from website and this may lead to some errors like pulling wrong titles, description etc. And moreover the basic version doesn’t pull image, quote, videos and links etc.

The Tumblr share button comes with few advanced functionalities that let you to set the default post formats and it even permits you to pick few specific paragraphs from the article. To make it more interesting, you can pick some special quotes and pre-filled descriptions. The below code can be placed in loop.php to see its functions.

Advanced customization

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