
How to Build Your Own Archive Page in WordPress

On impressing a visitor or a first time reader, there are high chances that they may even navigate through your website to read posts that are uploaded to your website few days, months or years ago. By having Custom Archives on your website can help your visitors to easily access the old posts present on the post.

The Custom Archives will add a dedicated page on the website that lists all your posts on monthly wise, author archives and category archives. In order to attract the visitors you can even embed an archive page on your website as it acts like a sitemap for the visitors as they can easily navigate through the important and key content available on website.

Creating a Custom Archive Page Template:

The basic thing that you must execute is to craft a page template that depicts the archives page in the way you like. To create it, you have to first open a file in the text editor and replace its default name by page-archive.php. And later you must add the below mentioned code.

Create an Archives Page in WordPress

You must then upload the file into themes folder and with this step, you will reach the final stage of creating archive page template. You must be watchful and have a brief check whether the custom archive pages template will exactly match with your website’s design. The entire content present within the page.php file must be copied and pasted in the page-archive.php that you have created earlier.

Create an Archives Page in WordPress

Crafting a Custom Archive Page for WordPress:

With custom archive pages template being ready, you need to craft a new archive pages for your WordPress website. In order to create the archives page, you need to reach the admin panel and click the ‘new page’ option.

On selecting it, you have to check for the meta boxes that are present underneath the publish button to the right side of computer screen. A meta box named Page Attributes will be displayed and a drop down menu appears from which you need to select Archives as the page template and later save and put out the page.

After publishing the archives page, there will be no content displayed on the page and then you need to add some archive page components such as category, archives by year etc.

Create an Archives Page in WordPress

Inserting Monthly Archive Elements via Compact Archives:

You must notice that the default monthly archives listing included in the theme package is not a main option, instead you can use a specially crafted plugin named Compact Archives that can be found within the WordPress.

Create an Archives Page in WordPress

You have to just install and activate the compact archives plugin. Upon activating it successfully, you have to paste the underneath code in template created earlier.

Create an Archives Page in WordPress

 Adding Categories List:

Categories are mainly intended for summarizing the key topics present in the website and they can come handy when you plan to organize the content. Most of the times you prefer categories as the key path to sort the content and it’s a better option for you to list the content as category archives. It adds good value to the website and you can even save a good amount of space by depicting in the form of an inline list.

Create an Archives Page in WordPress

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