
How to Create a Twitter Widget for WordPress

Your WordPress blog is really missing out on the leverage of social networking if you are not integrating Twitter feeds into the mix. With tweets being updated on the blog, and users getting rich content feed from Twitter, your blog will be in a different league altogether if you can integrate WordPress and Twitter with a good plugin.

Twitter Widget Pro comes across as a complete solution for you. It’s a completely customizable plugin that unleashes your Twitter feeds on your WordPress blog pages. This plugin works perfectly with hash tags, link parsing and user names.

You can use the WordPress control panel to control how the date and time of the tweet get displayed. It requires WordPress version 3.0, and PHP5 to run. You can also manage how the profile photo from your Twitter account gets shown on the WordPress blog.

Unfortunately, the updates to Twitter API v1.1 rendered the installation and activation of the Twitter Pro Plugin somewhat more complicated than earlier. Here, we take you through the steps required to be followed to install the Twitter Pro Plugin.

  1. Use the automatic installer, and once the plugin is installed, then it needs to be activated.
  2. You will see a message in the admin screen, upon clicking which you will be led to the settings page of the plugin.
  3. You’ll see on-screen instructions that will take you through the setup process, and will also need you to put in your login credentials to the Twitter account you want to integrate with WordPress.
  4. Now, go to the Appearance option in the WordPress screen, click on Widgets, and then select the option to add Twitter Widget Pro, to the widget ready portion of your website.

Here is how the screen looks like, when you click on the little arrow along the right side of the widget. The different fields govern the behaviour of the plugin. You can define the description you want to be visible for the feed, and the format of showing date and time. When you adjust all the settings according to your preferences, just press the Save button, and you are done with the settings of the widget.

Twitter Widget

Different instances of the Twitter Widget Pro can be used to track different feeds, and can have different settings. So, you could have multiple feeds being fed from Twitter to your pages, courtesy this killer plugin.  To add the widget to your post or page, you can use the following shortcode – [twitter-widget username=”yourTwitterUsername”].

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