
How to Block Spam Comments on WordPress

Unwanted spam comments and messages are frustrating to handle. Not only are they annoying but they can also be harmful for business. The worst kind of spam is the automated spam created by bots. Spam comments can ruin the reputation of your blog’s SEO or Search Engine Optimization.

To maintain credibility with readers and clients, it becomes extremely important to ensure that there is no spam anywhere on your blog.  There are several plugins available on WordPress that can take care of your spam problem. Free and/or paid plugins are used to block the automated spam comments.

Spam Free WordPress

One of these anti-spam plugins available today is Spam Free WordPress. Free and functional, it protects your blogs by blocking the spam content effectively.  Some of its popular features are:

  • It is one of the easiest plugins you will come across.
  • It can handle a large amount of spam, regardless of the traffic in your blog.
  • You will not face any database load however high the spam rate is.
  • It provides you a custom comment list and form for those themes unable to work automatically with the plugin.

Block spam comments

This plugin protects your website against automated spam bots and additionally also against automated hackbots. The hackbots can hack your blog and damage its reputation greatly. The hacker can send out negative messages to all the account holders and/or post inappropriate comments and posts.

The worst part is, since they have control over the blog, to your readers it will seem like you are writing the comments. Your entire database and blog also might get deleted.

Apart from the automatic blocking feature, you can block manually. It provides you with a local IP blocklist, so you can manually enter the IP addresses you want to block. Here is how you can customize this plugin.

Block spam comments

Here are some more killer features of this plugin.

  • It does not give you false positives by blocking legitimate comments.
  • It is highly compatible with WordPress and requires a minimal amount of configuration from your end.
  • Its security is laudable with its use of nonces to secure all its actions. Nonce stands for a number used once. It is used to provide protection to URLs and forms against misuse.

The following figure shows the working of this plugin.

Block spam comments

For installing this great plugin in your blog, you can do the following steps:

  1. Go to plugins button on your WordPress admin page.
  2. Now click on Add New.
  3. In the search bar type in Spam Free WordPress.
  4. After that click on Search Plugins.
  5. Now install the plugin

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