
How to Add Google Analytics to WordPress Site

Google Analytics is an indispensable part of the WordPress website for most users. The statistics and information provided and generated through Google Analytics are what most web hosts use to re-establish their facts and figures. In order to use this feature efficiently, the user should install the Google Analytics Plug-in onto his or her website.

Add Google Analytics to WordPress Site

The steps to do this are as follows.

1. You have to download and install the Google Analytics Plug-in.

2. It mostly comes in a zip archive, so you need to unzip the content and upload it to the local WordPress archive folder which contains the /wp-content/plug-in address.

3. Once that is done you need to go to your WordPress website, access the Dashboard and select the Plug-ins option.

4. Once there, you will find a list of active as well as inactive Plug-ins being displayed.

5. If the unzipping and uploading of the content is successful, you should find the Google Analytics Plug-in with a success symbol flashing by its side.

6. Open a new tab on your browser and access the Google Analytics URL.

7. Once the website opens, select the “Add Website Profile” option and add the URL of your website.

8. Once done, the website will ask you to edit or add your country and time-zone.

9. Click on Finish once all this is done and you will be provided with an HTML code which is the Google Analytics code that needs to be added to your website.

10. Maneuver your browser back to the Dashboard of your WordPress website and once there, go to Options > Google Analytics.

11. In the screen that opens you will find a text field where you need to enter the HTML code provided and click on the update option.

12. Once this is done you will activate the Google Analytics function on your WordPress website.

Google Analytics to WordPress Site


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