
How to Add Facebook Send Button in WordPress?

On clicking the Facebook SEND button we can see a dialogue box. In order to send a message to a Facebook friend we have to type the friend’s name and the message in the dialogue box. The content will be mailed to the Facebook inbox of that friend.

Those who want to add the SEND button to their site can use the XFBML code of Facebook. If the XFBML code is not added in the site, the procedure given below is to be followed.

Copy and paste the below given code to the theme file where the SEND button should appear

<div id=\”fb-root\”></div><script src=\”http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1\”></script><fb:send href=\”<?php the_permalink(); ?>\” font=\”arial\”></fb:send>

The present LIKE button code may be replaced by the following code so as to make the SEND button to appear beside the LIKE button:

<div id=\”fb-root\”></div><script src=\”http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#appId=12345678&amp;xfbml=1\”></script><fb:like href=\”<?php the_permalink(); ?>\” send=\”true\” width=\”450\” show_faces=\”false\” font=\”arial\”></fb:like>

It is very important to replace appid=12345678 with the Facebook appid of the user.

However, it is much easier to install Facebook SEND button using a plugin.

This involves just two steps: –

Install Facebook SEND button WordPress Plugin

Activate the above Plugin

The Facebook SEND button for WordPress enables its users the ease of sharing of contents among users either by way of email to any Id or by mail to the Facebook inbox. Name of the Group as well as URL can be posted on the Group wall. Since a visitor will share the content only after going through the post it is ideal to place SEND button on single post in WordPress blogs. The code for placing Facebook SEND button on single post in WordPress is given below. This code is to be added in single.php file.

<div id=\”fb-root\”></div><script src=\”http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1\”></script>

<fb:send href=\”<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>\” font=\”\”></fb:send>

However, rather than a lone SEND button, a combination of Facebook LIKE button and SEND button is more effective. Given below is the code to combine Facebook SEND button and LIKE button which also can be added in single.php file.

[Code Snippet /]

1          <div id=\”fb-root\”></div><script src=\”http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js


2. <fb:like href=\”<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>\” send=\”true\” layout=\”button_count\”

width=\”300\” show_faces=\”true\” font=\”\”></fb:like>

This makes Facebook SEND button on WordPress site more effective and also provides more flexibility for sharing of contents by visitors among their friends.

Add Facebook Send Button in WordPress

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