
How to Add Facebook Comments in WordPress

Social networks these days have truly changed the name of the game and have become an integral part of our daily lives. Facebook is one such social networking site which is probably the most popular among all of them out there. Therefore, it is not only beneficial but also equally imperative to have your Word Press website equipped in such a way that you can have access to Facebook at the click of the mouse. Having said that, Facebook comments can be very complex to install but to make your life easier, you can opt for a plugin which will help you to add Facebook comments directly from the WordPress website.

Facebook comments plugin has been widely used and the users are thoroughly satisfied with the results.  For your convenience, the steps to install this plugin have been listed below.

Facebook comments

Installation Steps

• First of all, you would need to upload facebook-comments-plugin directory to this path: /wp-content/plugins/directory.
• Go to the Plugins Menu of your Word Press website and activate the plugin.
• Log on to the comments settings page of Facebook.
• You would need to go through all the steps which are mentioned in the comments settings and once you are done just press the “Update” button.


Below are a couple of screenshots just for you to have a glimpse on how it looks.

Benefits of Installing this Plugin to Your WordPress Website

The following are some of the benefits which you can reap while having this plugin added to your Word Press Website
• You can post comments on your Facebook wall effortlessly.
• The replies, comments or posts will be reflected in your Word Press website
• There is also a grammar check feature associated with this plugin which helps you to correct any form of grammatical mistakes before posting a comment.


Therefore, it can be safely concluded that you will be immensely benefitted if you chose to add this plugin into your WordPress website. The users have been reaping its benefits ever since it came into existence. Moreover, you can also customize this plugin by exploring its advanced features and the best part is that you don’t necessarily have to be a techie to do so. A person who has basic knowledge of computers can easily navigate this plugin with utmost confidence.

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