
Creating Google+ Brand Page to Your WordPress Site

Initially after its launch, Google+ was very strict about using it for business purposes, though few businesses have taken step ahead by creating personal accounts and started using them for commercial purpose. However Google+ has traced all such accounts and banned them.

After a long wait, Google has finally allowed businesses to create a brand page of their own and use it for enhancing their business opportunities.

This tutorial gives you the information of entire process that you need to implement in order to craft and setup a Google+ Brand page for your much liked WordPress website.

The basic thing you must do is to access your Google account by furnishing validate details and then reach to https://plus.google.com/browser-not-supported/?ref=/about.

On accessing the above said page, you must tap on the button that says Create your Google+ Page button.

Create and Setup Google+ Brand Page for Your WordPress Site

In the next step, you will be requested to pick up a category into which your Google+ Brand page falls. You are provided with few options and you can choose anyone based on the business that you operate.

Create and Setup Google+ Brand Page for Your WordPress Site

Here are few categories highlighted based on your business type:

Local Businesses or Place – it can be a great option for restaurants, stores or hotels that are operated within your proximity.

Product or Brand – it can be chosen as a category if you market a product or brand of international fame.

Organization or Institution – it can be selected as category if you run either a school or any non profit organization.

Entertainment or Sports – it’s one of the popular category which can be used by large number of people.

Other – if your business doesn’t fall into any of these categories, then you can place in under ‘Other’ category.

Once you are done with category selection, you are provided with a fill out form where you can furnish the complete details of your business. Along with the details, you can even set the Google user who can view your Brand page or you can allow the users aged 18+ or 21+ to access your Brand page.

Create and Setup Google+ Brand Page for Your WordPress Site

Upon filling out the form, you are requested to submit a tagline for your product or business and you must even upload a photo that resembles your brand.

Create and Setup Google+ Brand Page for Your WordPress Site

Once you add photo and tag line, you are prompted to spread out your page to friends on your Google account. Later a URL gets generated and you can shorten it by using the Bit.ly.

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