Wordpress Plugins

Top 20 Best Access Control WordPress Plugins

We all know the usefulness of WordPress and how WordPress provides us with a huge plethora of themes that help us create websites to suit our specific needs. But while doing all this, security is another very important issue, and even then, WordPress has some of the best access control plugins that you can use. So here are a few of the access control WordPress plugins that you can use for your website.

Stealth Login

Stealth Login - WordPress Plugin

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WordPress comes with default URLs, and this makes it really easy for hackers to intrude on your privacy. But this plugin changes the login URL to something very specific and private. So even if a hacker has the password, he or she will not have the specific URL to hack into your site.

User Locker

User Locker WordPress Plugin

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Hackers are a real menace, and this nice little plugin takes care of that for you. Using this plugin, you can specify a certain number of login attempts that can be made at your website. The moment the specified number is completed, the website locks down to that particular user. Hence, for brute force attacks, this plugin is amazing!

WP Security Scan

WP Security Scan - WordPress Plugin

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WordPress Access Control Plugin – WP Security Scan, is a very useful tool that you can use to diagnose security problems on your website. After your WordPress installation, this plugin scans your installation and if there are any holes in your security, it provides you with solutions.

WordPress File Monitor

Wordpress File Monitor

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This is a very nifty plugin, which monitors all the files that are there on your website. So when any changes are made to them, or any file is deleted, the plugin sends a security alert to a specified email address immediately.

Content Security Policy

Content Security Policy WordPress Plugin

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This is a very helpful plugin that prevents content injection attacks from other sites. It helps the admin to know which sites he or she can trust to serve JavaScript and other contents, and any harmful content instantly gets blocked.

HTTP Authentication

HTTP Authentication WordPress Plugin

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This plugin will help you use existing means of authenticating other users to WordPress. It even includes the Apache HTTP authentication module and many others.


WP Members WordPress Plugin

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For those WordPress websites that require membership security solutions, this plugin is the best you can come across. There are tons of features on this one, from membership customization to automated membership management, and automated payment options and processing, content protection, etc.

AskApache Password Protect

AskApache Password Protect

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This plugin adds numerous security layers to your blog website and does not tamper with your database at all. The best part about this plugin is that it updates itself automatically, and stops attacks on your blog from hackers.

Login Encrypt

Login Encrypt - WordPress Plugin

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This plugin uses RSA and DES, with complex combinations to provide ultimate security for your website. It encrypts your password and prevents hackers from gaining access to your site.

WP Email Guard

WP Email Guard WordPress Plugin

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This plugin is one of the best there is. It converts any email from users of your website into JavaScript code, so that it can be read by humans only, and clicked by humans only. It prohibits spammers from crawling, as they can’t do so with JavaScript.

Login LockDown

Login LockDown WordPress Plugin

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This plugin keeps a record of all IP addresses and timestamp of every failed attempt at logging in onto your website. If there are many attempts from one particular source for a short period of time, then all functions from that source are instantly disabled.

Limit login attempts

Limit login attempts WordPress Plugin

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It limits the number of login attempts both in case of normal login and also those using author cookies.

Apart from the above, here are a few more access control plugins that you can try out.

Semisecure Login Reimagined

Semisecure Login Reimagined

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WordPress Firewall

WordPress Firewall WordPress Plugin

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Secure WordPress

Secure WordPress WordPress Plugin

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AntiVirus wordpress plugin

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Ultimate Security Check

Ultimate Security Check

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Exploit Scanner

Exploit Scanner WordPress Plugin

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 Admin SSL

Admin SSL WordPress Plugin

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Tinypass WordPress Plugin

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