
How to Edit WordPress Themes

Prior to learning how we can edit themes in WordPress, assure the following:

1)      Backup: Try doing your work from duplicates of backup files and ensure that your data is backed up as you work and make alterations.

2)      Permissions: While doing your work online, you would require the necessary allowances to alter and store your files.

3)      Text Editor: To make the necessary changes to the file, make use of a Text Editor. Refrain from using Word Processors as they may cause unnecessary modifications in the codification of the characters.

Theme Editor and Plug-in Editor

WordPress has in it two incorporated editors that create a provision to modify the files containing the themes from the browser. These are known as the Theme Editor and the Plug-in Editor.

To gain admittance into the Theme Editor

  • Click on the Administration Panel
  • Select the Appearance option
  • Under Appearance, click on EditorEdit WordPress Themes

To gain admittance into the Plug-in Editor

  • Click on the Administration Panel
  • Select the Plug-ins option
  • Under Plug-ins, click on Editor.

File types that can be edited

HTML, PHP and several other file types can be edited in WordPress, provided they are Writable.

Important Facts

  • Search: This option is null and void in the Theme Editors. And so is Replace. The only option is to browse through the file to select what you want to.
  • Permissions for Files: For editing files through the Theme Editors, the allowances on that file should be positioned to 666
  • Immediate Changes: The alterations made in WordPress are instantaneous. All the changes are done online and are directly visible to the users.
  • Back-up: Before editing your files, make sure you have backed them up. This allows you to copy it back on the WordPress site in case you commit a blunder.
  • Delete: Suppose the alterations made to your site cause it to become dysfunctional, delete the file that you recently altered and substitute it with another one from your backup files.

Editing Online

For editing files online, utilizing any one of the optional Text Editors to formulate and an FTP program to upload them is advisable.

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