
Adding Twitter at any Location on the WordPress

Not long ago, Twitter has introduced @anywhere platform and with this new platform, you can quickly integrate the Twitter to your website with the help of few small JavaScript codes.

This latest addition to the Twitter will let you receive more number of tweets, drive more traffic and increase your followers. This new platform will quickly add a tweet box on your WordPress website.

In case, if you plan to turn on the hovercard option, you can see a hover box that adds a follow button. You can further add the Twitter buttons and this tutorial will help you in adding the Twitter’s platform at any position on the website.

Before you add anything on to your WordPress website, you must definitely register for an API and you will be then redirected to a page that looks like a page given below. Once you are done with registration, you must receive an API key and set the permission level to Read and Write.

First you must reach the link (twitter.com/oauth) and then tap on the application’s name and it will redirect you to the application details page. On reaching the application details page, you must tap on the button named ‘Edit Application Settings’.

From there you need to just scroll down to reach the Default Access type. And later you need to implement it on your website and this @anywhere Twitter platform will help you give auto links to all your user names and you can even add a Live Tweet box to your website.

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