The subscribers as well as casual visitors of a website can create or edit pages and posts with the help of TDO Mini Form WordPress Plugin. The Plugin enables extremely customizable forms. Till the admin publish the same, the new posts remain as draft. It is up to the editors to publish the posts or remove them.
They can have a formal view of the posts thanks to the Plugin. Since Akismet and re-captcha are provided along with the Plugin, the genuineness of the contents can be tested, thereby avoiding spam. Till the admin accepts the posts for publishing they are automatically kept as revisions.
TDO Mini Forms Plugin can convert WordPress into Forum. The administrators have both the options – to allow the specific users to use the forms as well as to disallow them. Those who are able to use the form can see their posts published but, they are not entitled to make use of the WordPress software. When a user succeeds to get a few of his submissions published he will be considered as trustworthy. Widgets are used to configure the forms.
These widgets are similar to those provided with WordPress and one can make widgets of his own theme. Those who have Signed Up with the website can easily access their submissions and on their page they can view the latest submissions, earlier submissions that await approval and links to already approved submissions.
The user can create any number of forms and he can provide Custom Fields to each form. The form can be kept in the page, post or in the side bar with the help of a widget. The newly innovated TDO Mini Form is provided with a widget that enables to integrate with Geo Mashup WordPress Plugin that allows the users to have separate permalink for their posts.
Further innovations are in progress with TDO Mini Form and the new version is expected to be suitable for WordPress 2.7. Moreover, in the new version the administrator will be able to have a control over all those who access the website including specific users.