Wordpress Plugins

WordPress Floating Share Plugin


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One of the first things that bloggers around the world are concerned about is how they can get closer with their readers. With mainstream media in decline around the world, independent blogs have emerged as the new medium for people to express themselves and stand alone news presenters and journalists to find a global expression and audience. These blogs have become a rage amongst internet users across the world with a majority of people opting for the easy yet professional platform of WordPress.

When one uses a blog, the most important thing that you want is to reach out to a wider audience. For that, the best thing possible for you to do is to publicize your content. One of the most common way in which one does it is to give your readers the option to share or publicize content the moment they read it.

The problem with such a mechanism is that such a sharing and publicizing button is often located at the top or bottom of the page and the reader seldom scrolls all the way back up to just share the page. So while, you might have readers who are thrilled to read your blog, they don’t share your content.

To get rid of the problem, you should employ a floating share option which enables the reader to share your content on social networking sites. The best WordPress plugin to do this is called Digg Digg.

This plug-in moves along even if the person reading the post is scrolling down a page and thereby increases chances of them sharing your post on social networking sites.

It is the best since its light weight, it’s easy to configure and floats easily. Some of the sharing buttons available are Twitter, Facebook share, Facebook like, Digg, LinkedIn, Google+, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Delicious etc.

You are given the option of enabling or disabling the social share bar on the post page and how it should be displayed. It also doesn’t load till the post itself has loaded which improves user experience.

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