Another great advancement in the plugin spree of the WordPress is the Short URL Plugin. Although this may seem the same for years, because of not being updated per say, the short URL functionality is just icing on the cake. Not really a great deal of function for the developers as compared to the other plugins, but for general users, it is just so much pleasing to the eyes. Well, quite frankly, if WordPress has decided to pull it off as a plugin for its page, there has to be some substantial physical viability to the system.
One, the plugin lets you create shorter names for the URL of the pages on your site. These are those pages that link to your home page. The Short URL Plugin masks the link and, thereby, increases the readability and flexibility for its users. With a shorter URL, keeping track of the sites and pages linked would not seem to be as onerous as it would have if complicated names and alphanumeric symbols were used for it. Thence, as it can be safely put, the plugin is a blessing to hardcore users of WordPress.
Second, WordPress allows the users to have a view of some statistics regarding their pages, including the number of hits per page per day. This crucial information marks the popularity of your blog among other users and readers. The Short URL Plugin helps you to effectively keep a track on the number of hits each day. Besides, it also lets you to reset the count anytime if you wish to start the count again, that is, if at all you wish to.
The short URL plugin by WordPress is definitely a boon for the users who engage in critical blogging. As for the rest, it might just be helpful to you too.