Slick Social Share Buttons
Slick Social Share Buttons is an irresistible choice for anybody looking to tap the potential of social networking to improve traffic to a website. It is a very convenient plugin and you can include Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Digg, LinkedIn, Buffer, Reddit, Pinterest and StumbleUpon social media buttons for your website either in a sliding or floating panel and also have a glimpse of important summaries of many social metrics, available on admin social stats page.
For accessing the settings of the plugin visit WordPress admin, next social buttons. On the plugins page in the WordPress admin, the button pane can be fully customized. For type, choose either “sliding” or “floating’ tab. You can choose the location of the button panel. Several options are available giving you complete control of the button panel position, order of display, social media button size. You can decide to hide or show the sticky or floating panel when page loads. You have to download Slick Social Share buttons 2.4.3.
For page display options, you have to check the boxes of the pages and posts where you want the social media buttons to appear: It may be: Archive pages, category pages, pages, posts, posts page or WordPress Home page. There is an option to exclude specific categories from category pages. If you press the “show categories” link for showing a full list of the categories on the website, and click on the category, it will make the category move between the exclude and include lists. After selecting the relevant categories, you have to click the “save” button.
To install the plugin, follow the simple procedure of uploading the files to the plugin folder and then activating it from the dashboard. Once the plugin is activated, you can put its varied features to good use and extract some decent juice form social integration of your website.