Whenever meaningless or derogatory comments and undesirable ads are posted on the website the owner of the site has to consider them as spam and should adopt necessary precautions so as to prevent them in future. Those who have WordPress website must protect the site from this kind of spam. Installing a powerful WordPress Anti Spam Plugin is the best solution to the spam problem. One can choose any one out of the five most popular plugins that are used for the protection of WordPress sites from spam.
Among the various plugins Akismet may be considered as the first among the best. Whenever someone posts a comment on the blog the same can be scanned by Akismet plugin in order to confirm that the comment is free of any spam or link to harmful websites. Though it looks simple, this plugin is amazingly effective.
SI CAPTCHA Anti Spam is another potential plugin for WordPress sites. CAPTCHA images are very common in websites. The users are required to enter the word given in the box which is not easily readable. Normally, the genuine visitors only will have the patience to identify the word in the box and re-enter the same. This plugin is effective on the WordPress forms for comments, lost passwords and registration of new users etc.
Determining whether a visitor is human or not by making him to answer a tricky mathematical question is a unique technique. This is exactly done by the Challenge anti spam plugin. Though the questions are easily answerable they are demanding enough to stop spam comments.
Fast Secure Contact Form Plugin functions with the support of Akismet and CAPTCHA. This customizable plugin prevents emails with spam contents from entering the inbox of the website. Thus spam is blocked at the early stage itself.
Growmap Anti Spambot Plugin (GASP) is the simplest WordPress Anti Spam Plugin. Prior to submission of a contact form or comments form the visitors are made to tick a tick-box. This is an effective method of preventing automated spam.