Wordpress Plugins

Floating Share WordPress Plugin

People who are addicted to Mashable cannot help but notice the drifting bar for social sharing which they use simultaneously along the sides of their main content. As you keep moving up and down the page, the bar also does the same, acting as a constant reminder to share your content. If such innovative mechanisms grab your attention, there’s a perfect plug-in to suit your needs and demands.

Digg Digg Plug-in


View Plugin

Digg Digg, a plug-in in WordPress allows the user to circulate the content of his site on the Social Media. It provides for multifarious modifications, the most significant one being the floating nature of the bar. At the end, it is upto the user to decide the stylization of his bar-where the bar should be shown, that is on the Home page or Posts page and so on, how the bar should be shown, that is either horizontally or vertically and various other stylization options as well. The user has to manually enable the Floating bar; it does not get enabled by default.

The main reason why people go for Digg Digg is its lazy loading nature. It holds up the loading of the button by 5-10 seconds. This ensures that the page is loaded first and then the buttons are exhibited on the user’s site. However, the arrangement of the bar needs to be done by the user manually which prevents the bar from being lively upon activation. Furthermore, if the resolution of the user’s screen is lower than 1024px, the bar would be hidden completely. The features of Digg Digg are thus as follows:

  • Showcases all the popular social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+ and so on.
  • Supports generation of thumbnails, contains various languages, displays faces and also has the provision of the send button
  • Offers the user with a wide variety of Modifications and Customizations
  • The lazy loading nature of this Plug-in enhances the performance of the website
  • Provides support in Excerpt form and also provides for Email and Print options
  • Contains buttons of wide diversity and range. Provides the user with a lot of choices.

With the provision of this Plug-in, the user has an all-in-one plug-in for the purpose of social sharing on his/her blog. It gives a unique look to one’s blog, makes it look attracting.

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