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Musico – A WordPress Theme for Peppy Music,Events Website


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In the modern world, websites have become one of the most commonly used and effective platforms for showcasing one’s skill set especially if you are a band of established or upcoming musicians. However talented and efficient one might be, you would be no one as long as you remain unnoticed. This is what makes a website with apt theme the need of the hour. Besides projecting yourself, a website will help you in communicating with your fans. But now the question is which theme should you select? This is when Musico theme comes to your aid.

Musico is a theme that has been specifically designed for musicians in order to help them manage and showcase their albums in a way that can win the hearts of music lovers. The key features of this theme which make it a hot cake among musical bands are its colors, live preview, side bars, gallery slideshows, responsive design and customized widgets and pages.

Each of these features allows you to mould your website in such a way that it not only promotes your band but also showcases itself in the best possible way. While the colors and layout modes enable you to make changes to your web page theme, custom pages allows you to update your site by adding new albums, events and content as and when required. The responsive design of this theme makes it adaptive and the beautifully tiled Gallery allows you to display images of your performance, tours, sessions and almost anything.

Last but not the least, the event page in Musico helps users in buying tickets to your upcoming shows online either through a specific URL or through social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google +. Besides you can also update your event session by adding new events as and when scheduled.

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