Iuris WordPress Theme for Lawyers
The Iuris WordPress theme for lawyers is a great option for advocates and law enterprises that include small scale and medium sized ones. This WP theme can also be used by people who are looking for a good theme for their websites.
The theme looks very sophisticated and has an elegant look that can be attached with it.
An Overview
This is a pretty versatile WordPress theme and has many features compared to most other themes. The admin panel is pretty advanced and has been built like that so that it can be applicable to both small and medium sized firms.
The advanced features enable the user with a lot of options. There are over 150 options in the admin panel and each user is given six premade casing in varying levels of complexities with designs that range between sophisticated and simple.
The theme has been designed by Mojo Themes.
The WP theme comes with two sliders and both are video compliant. This gives the user a lot of options in the way they go about designing their site. You can pick and choose color schemes for almost all aspects of the site which gives you greater control over the design WP template.
The theme is also equipped with short codes directly from the WYSIWYG editor. Another key feature is the availability of layered PSD for every element that gets used in the blog or site.
At the same time, one should note that there is no full layout for the site. The widgets of the theme also work in a very efficient manner.