Wordpress Plugins

WordPress Floating Ad Plugin


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The quest for the perfect advertising tool that is easy to configure and install often turns out to be a tedious and perplexing job. Add to that the wide variety of choices which confront the user and the job at hand just keeps getting tougher. But, in spite of all these hardships, if the user is still intent on putting in the effort, he/she shall be rewarded with the best advertising system which is apt for the WordPress sites.

The choices to make are plenty, from choosing the kind of ad one wants to the stylization of the ad; there are a lot of aspects to this process. But in the end, it is the tried and tested formula of trial and error which yields the best ad-plug-in for the WordPress sites. To rephrase it in simpler terms, downloading a number of plug-ins and then choosing the best out of them should be the order of the day.

To make the job at hand easier, a detailed analysis of the best ad-manger program is done below. All the user needs to do is go through it, download it and then simply start using it. The WordPress Float Plug-in is a type of floating ad plug-in which stays at the top of the WordPress page even if the user scrolls down.

They are intended to enhance the aesthetics of the WordPress site and generate revenues. It is fairly simple to install. Like in the case of all the other plug-ins, one needs to first download the plug-in and transfer it to the WordPress plug-in folder. Then, in the plug-in menu, the activation of the plug-in needs to be done. In the settings option, the plug-in can be activated. Next, the width of the screen needs to be decided upon. The ads would only be displayed if the value of the width of the screen is greater than the specified value.

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