Wordpress Plugins

Top 10 RSS Subscribe WordPress Plugins

WordPress has transformed into a highly sophisticated publishing platform that even those who stick to the mainstream coding to build websites have turned to it. And now with its advanced RSS subscribe feed plugins, keep your frequent visitors updated and post out your important highlights automatically.There are plenty of RSS subscribe plugins to choose from, so here is a list of the top 10 to help you decide better.

Feed Stats

Feed Stats plugins

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This simple yet effective statistic tool plugin monitors the visitors to your blog or website and keeps you updated on the daily stats. You can customize the plugin to feed the exact data you need. Like, customize it to show the number of visitors per day and time spent on the website, so you can work on your content.

Link Library

Link Library

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Need to expand your network and keep your blog visitors updated on the latest addition to your link collection? Then this plugin is the ideal thing for you. This WordPress plugin enables you to create a separate webpage that will display all the link categories that you have included in your link collection in you WordPress administrative panel, and provides RSS feed on updates to collection as well.

RSS Digest

RSS Digest plugin

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As the name suggest this advanced WordPress theme plugin fetches RSS feeds from specified RSS or atom feeds and posts it automatically on your blog as a weekly or daily digest. You can also customize this RSS feed providing it great flexibility when incorporating into your website.

FeedBurner sidebar widget plugin

FeedBurner sidebar widget plugin

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The hottest new technology to hit the WordPress publication platform is the feedburner, so why not incorporate it into your blog and keep your website lovers updated. With this simple yet effective widget, display all the messages from feed burner on your sidebar with ease.

RSS manager

RSS manager plugin

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This easy to handle plugin enables you to manage and ad new RSS feeds with ease. The plugin offers a lot of flexibility to customize and edit your feeds. Like decide when you want to publish your feeds and delay the publication of the feeds in RSS and social network media effortlessly. Also upload images and custom links to enhance the content on your feed.

WP RSS aggregator

WP RSS aggregator plugin

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RSS feeds work in both ways, and most of the times you need to feed data on your blog from other websites as well. Now you can do it with ease using the WP RSS aggregator which will fetch the feed for you, sort it out by date and priorities and display them automatically on the sidebar or footer of your blog. The plugin is powered by SimplePie which ensures a constant and regular feed on your RSS subscribe bar.

Better RSS widget

Better RSS widget plugin

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As the name implies the widget provides an exceptional upgrade to your existing RSS subscribe. With its plethora of customization features and easy-to-use control panel, the plugin will prove to be the best addition to you blog. But you have to replace your existing RSS widget with this one for it to work.

Old Post promoter

Old Post promoter plugin

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This cool little widget helps you repost the old updates which might have slipped through the eyes of your visitors. The plugin does it by randomly choosing the most important post from the old RSS subscribes.


FeedWordpress plugin

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This simple yet effective plugin will keep your blog updated with the latest updated by syndicating with the latest in RSS and other feed links.

Advanced RSS

Advanced RSS plugin

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This is an advanced version of the preinstalled RSS widget in you blog site, which will effectively improve the way in which the RSS feeds are sent out.

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