Themes / Collections

Why the Right Website Theme Is Important for Your Business

You’ve put in countless hours making sure your business is successful. Every year you’ve watched it grow, but in the last couple of years it’s been stagnant. On the advice of some associate businesses, you’ve decided to build an eCommerce site.

Nearly $262 billion was spent online this year, and it is estimated that by 2017 online spending will reach $370 billion, according to Forrester Research Inc. With so many consumers now doing their shopping online, you can’t afford not to bring your business to the web.

As you begin the process of bringing your business online, it is important you take the time to find a good website template and theme that will help your business stand out from the crowd. Your sales will be directly impacted by the design and layout you choose for your site.

You’ve spent a lot of time building your brand identity, so making sure that it doesn’t get lost in the design of your site is a detail you’ll want to pay close attention to. With an understanding of your audience, a little creativity, and the savvy that made you a successful business owner to begin with, you can create a site that will bring more customers to your business.

Website Templates

Things to Consider

One of the biggest and most overlooked aspects of an eCommerce site is the color scheme. Picking a color scheme that compliments your products will help you sell them and increase your profit. The most successful websites have a theme that contains the perfect blend of colors according to the authors at Tech Wyse.

More than 60 percent of a website’s acceptance or rejection is based on the visitors’ color impressions. It is the color scheme of your site that will help position your brand, and so it can become a powerful influence on your potential customers.

Once you’ve chosen a color scheme for your site, you’ll need to start working on the layout. When designing the layout, keep in mind the fact that you are designing it for your customers. Your theme needs to include easy-to-use navigation, clear information about your company, and your products and services presented in the best possible manner.

Without these, your customers will simply close out the page and have little reason to come back. A good theme will combine a balanced color scheme, high quality graphics, and easy navigation. A visually appealing site will be the right representation of your business.

Bringing Your Business Online

Designing a website with the right theme will help you gain trust with your potential customers. With trust, they will be more willing to use your services, and purchase your products rather than your competitor’s. With an increase in your online visibility, it will only be a matter of time before you see an increase in your sales.

Bringing your business online is an important step to growing it. Making sure you pick the right theme can mean the difference between having a successful eCommerce site and just another site on the web.

Your customer’s first impressions of your site will be their last. Without the right theme, you could be turning your customers off your products and services for good. Your site can instill trust in your customers within the first few seconds they visit your site, so make sure you make a strong first impression.

Your business is your life. You spend every waking hour making sure it works and is successful. Bringing your business online is the next logical step. Choosing the right theme for your eCommerce site will help you find success in the online world as well.

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