Wordpress Plugins

WordPress SEO Plugin

 – The Third Arm for Writers in Pursuit of Better Search Engine Ranks

Wordpress SEO Plugin

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SEO is the fuel that can power your website into greater heights on the search engine results pages. Without appropriate attention to SEO, you can hardly expect any substantial traffic visiting your websites.

However, not all website creators are particularly adept at Search Engine Optimization, and neither do the services of an SEO expert come cheaply.

In such a scenario, your chances of making it big with your WordPress website rest on a plug-in that can sort your problems out and then solve them. Scribe is an aptly named and fully loaded plug-in to help you out.

The prime benefit brought to the table by Scribe is that you are given optimized keyword suggestions before you begin writing content to put on the webpage. When you already have some content written, the plug-in shifts gears and suggests changes to words so that they become keywords, something that search engines will look forward to.

Plus, as many as 15 parameters are evaluated by Scribe, each contributing towards making your content optimized. Suitable changes are suggested to you, ensuring that the essence of the writing does not get altered.

Link Building is the life and blood of full-fledged SEO, and the best practices pertaining to link building keep on changing. This is where Scribe kicks in and ensures that writers do not have to invest any time in staying abreast of these practices, and then affecting them.

Scribe goes a long way in helping you build back links with your site. The six-tiered pricing strategy put in place by the men behind this power packed plug-in ensures that users pay only for what they need.

You are also provided a money back guarantee, so there is no reason why you can\’t give a shot to Scribe.

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