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Uptake – A WordPress Themes for a Customizable, ECommerce Website

Uptake, an easily customizable WordPress theme that can be modified by making few changes in settings to suit your business needs. The theme stands out as a great option for clients operating eCommerce business.

This WordPress theme is developed using the latest HTML5 and CSS3 web technologies and the entire theme is compatible with WooCommerce. It’s a theme that is developed based on the System Grid 12 discussion grid.


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 Highlights of Uptake WordPress theme:

  • ·It comes with a clean and modern design.
  • ·Supports 960 grid system layout and includes 3 different colour styles, 3 different backgrounds.
  • ·It includes an extremely detailed documentation to help out the users .
  • ·Includes 14 layered PSD files that are worth of $10.
  • ·Includes few used icons such as font awesome icons, icons, credit card icons and social icons.
  • ·Includes a captcha library that provides captcha while validating any contact form.
  • ·Few compatible browsers include IE 8, IE 9, FireFox, Chrome, Opera and Safari.
  • ·Users can easily set Google Map address on the theme.
  • ·It’s quite easy to extend the theme.
  • ·It includes a flex slider 2 and supports jQuery 1.8.3
  • ·CSS files, JS files and PHP files can be viewed within the theme.
  • ·Users can place any widget by installing widget ready plug-in.

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