Latest WordPress Templates Theme Forest

Kabubu – A Responsive WordPress Theme for Business, Personal Website

Kabubu Business Wordrpess theme

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Kabubu is the latest offering by, a team that develops some of the best WordPress templates in every theme. The purpose of Kabubu is to cater to the business and personal needs of creative web developers.

The developers of Kabubu have emphasized on the need for novel creative themes by making the templates compatible with the latest browsers and social network upgrades. Further, it also conforms to the responsive theme genre making it the very latest WordPress theme to have.

Kabubu by Features

  • First and foremost among Kabubu’s features is its responsive design to make it compatible with all kinds of mobile devices
  • Using Kabubu you can create a website with the following pages – Home, About us, Services, Portfolio, Blog and Contact.
  • The theme is compatible with top browsers such as IE8, IE9, IE10, Chrome, Safari, Opera and Firefox. It can integrate well with Facebook and Twitter’s Bootstrap 2.3x
  • ThemeForest files include HTML5, CSS3, JS and PSD
  • Navigation includes custom scroll bar and slider options
  • The responsive layout options include full width and box types. Sticky headers and Php Ajax type of Contact forms are other highlights
  • There is a wide range of layouts, background images and patterns to choose from with access to 6 types of HTML5 video backgrounds
  • The Portfolio page can be created with sliders and videos included while Blog page has separate slots for lists and details.

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