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Fusion: A WordPress Theme for Responsive Design, Style Website


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As a startup company in the tech or design niche, you need a theme for your site that is flashy, stylish and at the same exudes professionalism. The visitors have to get impressed with not only the content of the site but also feel comfortable navigating the site.

The Fusion is one such theme. It has great features in the form of custom images at the background as well as a responsive design. It displays well on any device as it uses the CSS media queries to fashion the layouts on different screen sizes. With mobile phones being used extensively, users would not have to scroll around accessing the site.

This theme is W3C compliant and you are thus sure about the coding it has undergone. Browser compatibility is excellent with localization such that translation is pretty easy. The theme comes with its own sets of .mo and .po files so that you are spared the trouble of editing PHP files.

The Fusion theme offers you endless customization options when it comes to colors and filling of background images. The ePanel options help you embellish the site without having to write any code and you can toggle the features to be set on or off as per your requirement.

Optimizing for search engines is also a breeze as the ePanel integrates seamlessly with the Dashboard in WordPress. You can also design your posts effortlessly using short codes. The huge collection enables you to create good looking layouts and your content looks much better when you use the relevant short codes.

When it comes to page templates, you can have a whole array of different ones to create unique looking pages. You can also easily create the galleries, blog feeds and site maps.

The developers of the Fusion theme provide excellent support at all times as well.

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