Latest WordPress Templates

Explorable – A WordPress Theme for Memorable Journey,Travel Website


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A WordPress theme that is perfect for travel blogs, Explorable is exciting and fun-filled. It is location based, so when you post something it pins on to a map. All your listings then form trails of your journey, making your website or blog space a most creative one to explore. You can create just about anything related to places – not only travel blogs, but guides for travelers, business directories, travel stories and much more.

A completely responsive theme enables users to make Explorable compatible with all smartphones and tablets. Its star ratings option for users gives you the great advantage of user feedback so that you can always be up to date with your website content.

Explorable ensures that you get regular updates to make it compatible with WordPress’ latest version compatible with WordPress. It is secure and follows the best practices in coding. Frequent audits for security maintenance and compliance with W3C make the theme a superior one. Your website becomes fully compatible with all popular internet browsers when you use Explorable. Integrated with Google Maps, the theme has options for translation with .po and .mo files, saving you the time of editing files from PHP. An array of beautiful colors and custom pages to choose from too!

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