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Architech – A WordPress Foundation Theme for Architecture Blog, Construction Website

Architech Magazine WordPress theme

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Architecture is a WordPress theme from Templatemonster. It is specially built with the construction industry, architects and civil consultants in mind. Its smooth and professional design and excellent graphics will let you display your all that you need to in order to promote your business such as your own profile, projects and works, testimonials, blog articles and FAQ pages in style. This theme works with WordPress 3.2 or higher and is compatible with all the major browsers.

The homepage features text icons that can scroll over in an image carousel and is great to show off your skills and works. It comes in 3 columns and a dynamic top to bottom navigation helps in scrolling through the website. Social media icons are integrated into the homepage that also comes with a login page and a search box.

The theme options enable you to easily change all the aspects of the websites such as the color or the fonts and other graphic elements. It contains numerous widgets and generates RSS feeds. Templates are included, which makes it easier for you to choose from readymade designs and then edit it to your liking. The following pages come in the included templates:

  • About page – Lets you tell more about yourself and your company.
  • Testimonials Page – This will hold testimonials from user who have made use of your service and thus offer their opinions and experiences with the services provided.
  • Archives – This will hold all the previous entries such as blogs, photos or posts made, indexed according to time.
  • FAQ – Used to address the most frequent or common questions about the services offered by your company.
  • Contact Page – Information as to how to contact you or your company will be laid out on this page.
  • Project page – Will contain information about all your projects. It also contains image galleries with light box effects.

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